This Unsweetened Tea
This unsweetened cup of tea is to you, Dad. You always drank your tea without sugar; I always drink my tea with sugar.
I miss the tea times since you’ve been gone. When I drink tea now, my first few sips are without sugar; imagine that! That’s from me to you.
You always laughed at me because it took me so long to get my tea just right. You were already drinking your cup when I’d say, “Tea without sugar tastes funny to me.”
You would smile and reply, “It seems that tea with sugar tastes funny to you. Then the waitress would give me more tea before I could tell her not to.
I had to get my tea right once again. I lift my cup of tea to you, Dad.
Thank you for all the sacrifices you made by being my father.
The things you taught me, I cherish them even the more. To you, Dad, I raise this cup of tea.
Copyright 2003, Lynda J. Coleman
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